Keep an eye on February 25th, "DSI" is about to accept the case of collusion in the election of the Senate.

DSI has considered that such actions may constitute an offense under the Organic Act on the Acquisition of Senators B.E. 2563 Section 977 (3), an offense under the Criminal Code Section 209 (crime of being a member of a secret society), and an offense of money laundering under the Anti-Money Laundering Act B.E. 2542. DSI therefore intends to procee

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Ministry of Education gives 7 days to take action against "Teacher Batman" for filming secret clips in schools

But the school director knew that he had the information and spoke in front of the flagpole that he would not press charges and continued to say that a student had reported the incident to Kan Jom Phalang and that he would wait for the consequences. He promised to help. Director, please answer me. Is this man a teacher? And what would happen if a c

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